6 easy ways to boost your weightloss results

If you want to lose weight, and lose it faster then you need to make sure you are doing these simple things.

  1. Drink more water. We need water more than people realise, it is so important for our general wellbeing. If we don’t drink enough, our body doesn’t work properly. We feel tired, our skin is dull, we lack energy, we get constipated and feel sluggish, our muscles don’t work correctly and we feel more hungry! Not an optimum way to lose weight, right?
  2. Move more. Sounds obvious, but since the lockdown has begun, everyone has been moving less in their daily life. I bet even going to the loo is a much shorter walk than it used to be. So to burn more calories you need to move as much as you possibly can
  3. Another obvious one – eat healthier foods. Swap crisps and chocolate for high fibre rice crackers and fruit, or even better if you need a crunch without all the extra sugars and fats, make pepper sticks or sugar snap peas your go to! Protein is huge important, most people aren’t getting enough. Everyone needs protein, not just weight lifters, it keeps you full and helps to burn fat and keep your body strong. Think protein first, for every meal and snack.
  4. Lift weights! Gone are the days where you have to be a slave to the treadmill. Increasing your muscle mass will burn more calories and help you lose weight.
  5. Get enough sleep! Your body needs sleep to repair and lack of sleep massively slows your metabolism
  6. Don’t be afraid to get a helping hand! This Fat Blaster Kit and natural energy drink is designed to help you stay in a calorie deficit, helps energy, mood, focus, detoxes the body on a cellular level (no toilet trips) and the results have been incredible


💥TRIM365:(Liquid Lipo) Cuts off your appetite, killscravings for carbs, sugars, sweets andsalties. Aides in accelerating weight loss.

💥E-CELL:(Liquid Detox) Detox your body at a cellularlevel. Cleanses liver, kidney, colon and otherorgans. Flushes toxins and parasites thatcause you to hold on to unwanted weight!

💥CORE KETO:(Liquid Belly Blaster) Stops excess fatproduction. Increases serotonin, suppressesemotional eating, turns fat into fuel, shreds belly fat

XeTRM -Wild berry Flavour 🍓🫐

One sachet a day & is a wild berry flavoured drink,it’s super tasty!

Benefits include;🍓speeding up metabolism🫐Supporting a healthy gut🍓Increasing mental & physical energy levels🫐Helps your mood🍓Suppressing appetite🫐Reducing snacking/cravings🍓Helping control portion sizes

You can get yours here